These sweet, chocolatey bread rolls have a gooey chocolate filling that makes them the perfect snack for kids.
Time:20 mins
Contains egg: No
Like us, you're sure to have marveled on many-an-occasion on how chocolate manages to make even the simplest of things so much better. We mean, that's chocolate's superpower after all! But even if you're a firm believer in chocolate's superhero status when it comes to all things food related, you're bound to be pleasantly surprised by this dessert, where a little bit of chocolate magic transforms ordinary sliced bread into a delectable little treat your kids (and you!) won't get enough of.Read More
Cut the crusts of all the slices and set aside.
Chop up the Cadbury Silk bar into small pieces. They can be uneven but ensure they’re small bits, else they might rip the bread slices.
Use a rolling pin to flatten each bread slice.
Place some of the chopped chocolate on one end of the slice and roll it.
On the other end, smear some water to seal the roll.
With a fork, press onto the sides and seal it all in.
Repeat the process with all the bread slices.
On medium heat, put a pan on the stove and place the bread rolls on it. Lightly toast both sides.
Brush butter on the rolls and cook until golden brown.
In a plate, mix the sugar, cinnamon powder and nutmeg powder.
Toss the rolls in the mixture, coating well.
Serve warm.
Fill the bread rolls with enough chocolate that it's evenly chocolatey but not so much that it rips the bread and oozes out on the pan or the plate.